What We Do

Better Leadership For All

Informing Our Community

United 4 RISD Kids is committed to ensuring that voters are equipped with the information they need to be able to assess Trustee candidates and make an informed vote. In our processes and partnerships we use research based criteria from the Improving School Board Effectiveness: A Balanced Governance Approach to determine which candidates are ready to govern.

Staying Engaged

In between elections, we want to ensure that the community is kept up to date on the important topics being discussed at the RISD Board Meetings. This better equips RISD stakeholders to provide school board Trustees and the Administration with important feedback and support. We provide a monthly opportunity to get a recap of the Board meetings over Zoom or through email.

The Endorsement Process

  • All candidates are invited to complete a roles and responsibilities aligned questionnaire. This will be shared on on our website and with anyone who is signed up to receive our emails.

  • All candidates are invited to an interview with a panel of RISD stakeholders - students, teachers, parents and community members. This panel will make an endorsement recommendation.

  • Candidates that are endorsed by United 4 RISD Kids will receive volunteer support.